Publicações em Livros

29. PEREIRA, Fernanda; BARBOSA, Paulo & HELENE, Paulo.  Refuerzo de Estructuras. Capítulo 9. In: Paulo Helene & Fernanda Pereira (Ed.). Rehabilitación y Mantenimiento de Estructuras de Concreto. Bogotá, Colombia: SIKA, 2007. p. 409-474.    ISBN 85-60457-00-3

28. ARCILA LÓPEZ, Carlos; FIGUEIREDO, Enio; PEREIRA, Fernanda & HELENE, Paulo.  Procedimientos de Protección y Mantenimiento de Estructuras de Concreto Reforzado. In: Paulo Helene & Fernanda Pereira (Ed.). Rehabilitación y Mantenimiento de Estructuras de Concreto. Bogotá, Colombia: SIKA, 2007. p. 501-536    ISBN 85-60457-00-3

27. HELENE, Paulo.  Dosagem do Concreto de Cimento Portland. Capítulo 15. In: Geraldo C. Isaia (Org.). Concreto: Ensino, Pesquisas e Realizações. 1 ed. IBRACON, 2005. v.1. & v.2 p. 439-472.   ISBN 85-98576-04-2

26. HELENE, Paulo & PEREIRA, Fernanda (Ed.) Manual de Reparo, Proteção e Reforço de Estruturas de Concreto. São Paulo: DEGUSSA, 2005. v.1. 715 p.     ISBN 85-90370-72-0

25. HELENE, Paulo; FIGUEIREDO, Enio J. P.; HOLLAND, Terence & BITTENCOURT, Rubens.  Quality of Concrete Structures and Recent Advances in Concrete Materials and Testing. ACI SP-229. Farmington Hills: American Concrete Institute, 2005. v.1. 510 p.   ISBN 0-87031-182-4

24. HELENE, Paulo; MONTEIRO, Eliana & CARNEIRO, Armando. The Rehabilitation Method of Electrochemical Chloride Extraction by an Engineering View. Chapter 7.  In: Paulo Helene; Enio Figueiredo J. P.; Terence Holland & Rubens Bittencourt (Ed.).  Quality of Concrete Structures and Recent Advances in Concrete Materials and Testing. ACI SP-229. Farmington Hills: American Concrete Institute, 2005. v.1.  p. 109-120    ISBN  0-87031-182-4

23. HELENE, Paulo & GUIMARÃES, André. Diffusion of Chloride Ions in Unsaturated Concrete: Forecast of Service Life in a Wet-Dry Environment. Chapter 12.  In: Paulo Helene; Enio Figueiredo J. P.; Terence Holland & Rubens Bittencourt (Ed.).  Quality of Concrete Structures and Recent Advances in Concrete Materials and Testing. ACI SP-229. Farmington Hills: American Concrete Institute, 2005. v.1.  p.175-194    ISBN  0-87031-182-4

22. HELENE, Paulo; PEREIRA, Fernanda; HUSNI, Raul; CASTRO, Pedro & AGUADO, Antonio (Ed.). Manual de Rehabilitación de Estructuras de Hormigón: Reparación, Refuerzo y Protección. São Paulo: Red Rehabilitar, CYTED, 2003. v.1. 750 p.   ISBN: 85-90370-71-2

21. MALHOTRA, Mohan; HELENE, Paulo; FIGUEIREDO, Enio & CARNEIRO, Armando. High-performance Concrete. Performance and Quality of Concrete Structures. ACI SP-207. Farmington Hills, Michigan: American Concrete Institute, 2002. v.1. 514 p.  ISBN 0-87031-079-8

20. HELENE, Paulo & GUIMARÃES, André. Influence of the Saturation Degree of Concrete on Chloride Diffusion: Laboratory and Field Tests in Marine Structure 22-year-old. Chapter 11. In: Mohan Malhotra; Paulo Helene; Enio Figueiredo & Armando Carneiro (Ed.). High-performance Concrete. Performance and Quality of Concrete Structures. ACI SP-207. Farmington Hills, Michigan: American Concrete Institute, 2002. v.1.  p. 169-192.  ISBN 0-87031-079-8

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